Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stress even on vacation

OK, I've been take this with a grain of salt. It's amazing the amount of stress you get even in a vacation atmospere. You don't realize how much your attitude can affect the people around you! One of my sister-in-laws (I have 4), who I love dearly, was stressing out yesterday while we were on Put-In-Bay and it made me stressed and caused a flare...I was miserable and taking so much Tramadol I was scared I would OD.
Now I understand projecting your feelings onto others, but I don't think those that are not affected by stress so much understand the impact they can have on the people around them.
So, in my slightly tipsy haze I have determined to keep my stressed out emotions to myself. There is no reason for me to project those feelings onto other people. At the same time I will ignore those stressing around me when I have no reason to be affected by it.
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Thanks for reading!! Drink on!!