Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guess I should be shot!

Dave Ryan from the Morning Show on 101.3 KDWB in the Twin Cities went on vacation recently. I'm not sure where he went, but he took a plane so I'm assuming he went away to some place nice. While getting off the plane I guess he had a bit of a problem. Someone was not moving as fast as he would have liked them to. So what did he do? He tweeted...the idiot. Here's a picture of this man's ignorance.

So I'm assuming he made his displeasure known to the person moving slowly and was told they have Fibro. So he shot off this insensitive remark.

Now Dave Ryan only has about 6,500 people following him on Twitter, but it did not take long for the word to get out to the rest of us in the Fibro world.

Rumor has it he sent an email to outraged person saying it was just a joke. Well, those of us with Fibro are not laughing. Marginalizing people with such a statement is reckless and unacceptable. Bigger names than his have been fired for saying such awful things.

I'm sorry Dave you were inconvenienced. Until you walk in our shoes though, I think you should keep your uninformed jokes and opinions to yourself. Also, if you plan on shooting me...I shoot back.

1 comment:

  1. I guess we are all guilty of not understanding someone else's situation from time to time. However, some people just seem to refuse to consider that they don't "get" something - and those people are scary, for lack of a better (polite) word. Ignorance is one thing, willful ignorance is another.

    I once heard a term... "humor abuse". It describes a behavior like this guy exhibited... saying something completely rude or insensitive, then calling it a "joke". Really? A joke? How is that rant even remotely a joke? I call "humor abuse"!
