Monday, May 4, 2009

I was going to write about...???

One the symptoms of Fibro is memory issues. My short term memory has gone to hell in a handbasket. It's made even worse by the fact that I'm ADD so I was always kind of out in la-la land. I've started making lists. I have lists all over the place. But then I have to try and remember where the heck I put the lists. It's a self perpetuating cycle of doom.
I keep a cute pad a paper in my purse so when I'm out and I remember something I can try and write it down. So far I've only remembered once that I actually have a pad of paper with me.
I have post-its all over my desk with notes to myself. Notes to call so and so, noted to check on something in the system, notes to remember something at home. If the environmental people ever get wind about me they are going to stage a protest in my front yard.
The one that is the best though is when I email myself from work to home to try and remember something. I'll read the email and then go downstair to do whatever the note reminded me...forget...go back upstairs re-read the note...go's great exercise. (don't laugh, I've done that twice now)
There was something else I was going to tell you about my notes, but I forgot.


  1. I keep threatening to get one of those memo-mate things since my notes to myself are way too cryptic to be understood.

  2. Memory issues. They scare me! I have the code buttons on my car. I have used the code regularly for over a year. The other night I blanked out completely. I stood there and couldn't come up with it. I was stranded - cell phone in the car. I used a pay phone (yes, they still exist!) to call Thing 2 for help. Just before she arrived I looked down and my KEYS were in my hand the whole time!! (blush)

    See? Scary.

  3. SkyDad - Oh that's a whole other issue. Trying to remember what the hell I meant when I jotted something down.

    Bubbles - I did that the other day with my cell phone. It was asking me my code to get my voicemails. I've used the same code since my first cell phone back in 1999, I completely blanked. Do your kids tease you?
